Generation of Alternative Energy – Going Green

Generation of Alternative Energy is the way of utilizing any resources that can be obtained at no cost. This will include the use of the sun’s energy, wind power or biofuel, and also of minerals like gold or silver or biodegradable substances like peat moss for energy. Some of the methods are natural – such as rain falling on rocks to make water and sunlight into electricity, rain making windmills to produce electricity, and algae growing to power a desalination plant. Some methods are man-made – by man, the use of fuels like gasoline or diesel to provide power. The World Bank is actively involved in exploring different ways to utilize the energy of the planet in the most efficient manner possible while minimizing carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles.

The problem is that petroleum is a fossil fuel and therefore it must be mined, drilled for, and consumed in the same way as other fossil fuels. All this does is pollute the environment because of the tailpipe and exhaust. It is a much better solution to generate power from other renewable energy sources such as solar or wind or even from the bio-created hydrogen fuel cell. We should implement a whole system such as wind farms and solar panels to power our homes and businesses. We need to find renewable energy sources and encourage our local authorities to make this happen.

Alternative energy has been scoffed at in the past; it seemed that it would never catch on. However, the world economy is changing and the world’s power plants and factories are closing down while new energy projects take place. We need to think smart and invest in a green world future where we are not dependent on fossil fuels and we don’t pollute the air and water and destroy our environment. Generation of Alternative Energy is the key to going green and saving our planet.

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