The five elements of structure which are comprised of wood, earth, fire, metal, and water form the basic framework upon which all constructions are constructed. When these elements are combined, and in the case of buildings and homes, successfully, the outcome is a building that is strong, stable, sustainable and has longevity as its main goal. This article will look at the importance of the 5 elements required to have a structure matched to a successful building.
In order to understand the importance of these elements, it is first important to look at how a building is built. When a building is made the five-sided structure is first laid out on the ground, then the building walls are built up, followed by the floors, ceilings, and doors. When the building is finally completed, the architect typically puts a sealant coat on the surface to protect the structural integrity of the building for many years. After this layer of coating is applied, the structure may be painted, and then the last layer which consists of the exterior covering is applied. The entire building process from start to finish usually takes about seven to ten years to complete.
The 5 elements of structure are what make up the actual structure of the building. These elements are air, fire, earth, wood, and water. A building is said to be comprised of a structure when all five elements of the building are present, or when a building is deemed to be constructed with all five elements present but in a balanced manner. Buildings are categorized into two general types; domestic and industrial. Both these types have different advantages and disadvantages.
Domestic buildings consist of residential homes, shopping centers, offices, hospitals, and other such structures. Industrial buildings are large-scale constructions like airports, mines, and construction sites. These structures are designed to be durable and resistant to adverse conditions. Some of the best examples of these industrial structures include skyscrapers and bridges.
The 5 elements of the building that are commonly associated with its making are air, fire, earth, wood, and water. When these five elements are combined, they create a particular material which is commonly known as a building material. Building materials are made up of steel, concrete, cement, glass, and fiberglass. These materials are often combined to further improve their resistance and strength. There are various different building materials available in the market. Steel, for example, is the most popular material for constructing commercial buildings.
The 5 elements of the building that are required to have a strong structure include air space, heat, light, and density. The air space refers to the area available to have air circulating inside the building. Heat and light are important in the sense that they allow the building to be well ventilated while the density tells us about the amount of weight that the building can carry.